18 November 2005

NOLA bound

No pictures with this post, sorry. This one is to chronicle the first trip back to New Orleans not involved with either attempting to rescue Elle cat or moving our possessions out of the house. Not that going to Toy's funeral is a joyful event, but I know that he would want us to celebrate his life not mourn his passing.

So off to the Crescent City we go, looking forward to seeing old friends for the first time in the city since Hurricane Katrina changed so many lives so quickly and drastically, some 10 weeks ago. We look forward to seeing Christian and Lisa, Adam (flying in from California), Ben and Jodi, and Avery (who informed us that the annual "Art for Art's Sake" will be belatedly celebrated in the Wharehouse District this weekend).

I'll write a short post, summarizing this weekend's highlights and, hopefully, include some interesting pictures too. Feel free to post your own comments about any of the other posts or pictures on this blog, as I've undertaken this project as much for the rest of you as for myself. Have a fun and safe weekend.

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