30 December 2005


Wow, John Liles just brought an unbelievable new free music website called Pandora to my attention. I won't get too much into details, other than to say it's one of the most amazing free services I've ever encountered. For those who are more interested, I've included a link to the site so you can visit by clicking here. I highly recommend checking it out. It's like being able to program your own commercial-free radio station, but they let you design up to 100 of them. You've really got to see it to believe it. Enjoy.


Solon said...

That's legendary! Wow thank's for point this out :) Nice one! This should help broaden my collection of music considerably :D

Ryan P. Hatler said...

I'm glad you liked Pandora. I've used it quite extensively, and I continue to be impressed.

It's really amazing how you can set up different styles of music stations just by entering in a song or artist name. Done thoughtfully, one should be able to design a collection of music channels to suit any mood or any taste.

For a true New Orleans flavor, you should also check out www.wwoz.org where you can listen live to the local jazz and heritage station.

Solon said...

Will do! I've found a new band I like thanks to Pandora, well, thanks to you ;)

There were 4 songs in 5 that came up which I liked after I typed in a band name; one of them was by a band I'd never heard of before, so now I have their album :) Thanks man!

Great site.